A New Family Addition

Leyton Taylor Campbell

“God’s most beautiful gifts bloom into children.”

Jordan and Allison Campbell recently received a new blessing to their family. Their son, Leyton Taylor Campbell, was welcomed into the world on Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 12:42 pm at UT Medical Center. The chunky baby boy weighed eight pounds, fifteen ounces and was twenty inches long. As lifelong Union Countians, the couple proudly brought Leyton to their home in Maynardville the following Monday. The family is settled in and doing well. Grandparents Tim and Lesia Campbell and Allen and Ava Padgett, all of Maynardville, are glowing with happiness from the excitement of their first grandson. All Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, friends, and family are sharing the joy of a new family member.

Jordan and Allison Campbell with their son, Leyton Taylor Campbell