Lions Club raffle winners announced

Lions Club members (having pulled 1,377 tickets out of the drum)
pulling the very last ticket out - the grand prize winner of $2000.
East Tennessee Lions Club District 12-N held the drawing for their annual Reverse Raffle on June 17th. The winning tickets of this raffle were the last three numbers drawn after of all of the other 1378 entries were drawn out one-by-one. The 3rd place prize was awarded to Glen Morris of Clinton. The very last ticket left (after all of the others had were picked out of the drum one-by-one) was the 1st prize winner of the $2000, Sunbright resident Billy Ward.
But the next to the last ticket drawn went to a Knox County resident whose roots and heart are in Union County. Jeri Lett was born in what used to be called Toad Town – the Burkhart community near the Anderson County line. Until her husband Larry passed, Jeri and he mowed and maintained the Waggoner family cemetery off Hickory Valley Rd where some of his ancestors are buried. Jeri is a member of the Union County Cemeteries Association, a volunteer with the Roy Acuff Union Museum & Library and a frequent participant in the Union County FCE.
So, congratulations to Jeri for winning second prize in the Reverse Raffle!
Thank you for buying a ticket to support the work of the Lions Club and a very warm thank you for your additional donations.
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