Congratulations to UCHS 2020 graduates

Graduation time is upon us. It’s that time of year every teenager looks forward to—the moment students complete their foundational education and close a chapter of their lives to move on to a new one, more exciting than the last.
Some anticipate the changes and opportunities that accompany the beginning of this new phase of life, while others are hesitant to move forward and begin their journey.
However ready or not, the day is approaching. This graduation season will be remembered specifically because of the abnormal situation.
Union County High School is dealing with the unfamiliar territory amid the coronavirus pandemic. Despite remaining closed for the academic year, Union County High will proceed with commencement exercises, although in a different way than anyone could have imagined six months ago.
Graduation will take place on the UCHS football field on June 6 at 11 a.m. Graduates will remain a safe distance of six feet apart during the exercises.
Those in attendance will be requested to sign their names stating that they will follow all CDC guidelines, and the teachers and administrators will be doing their best to ensure that these safe measures are followed. Sanitation stations will be provided for all attending. These stations will supply masks and hand sanitizer for those who have need of them.
Unlike many in other locations, the families of the graduates will be able to attend and support their young students as they victoriously arrive at the end of this stage of their lives.
In addition to graduation, the school allowed students to return for their personal items, purchase prom tickets, pick up their yearbooks, pay AP fees and return Chromebooks and library books. The school hosted this event May 20-22, to allow the graduates to take care of necessary business in time.
This was accomplished carefully, and over the course of three days. The students arrived in an orderly manner, corresponding the days of their return with their last names. Students were requested to maintain social distancing standards while on school property.
UCHS administrators and teachers are doing their best to provide the best opportunities for their students while following guidelines set in place by the CDC and those working to keep everyone safe and healthy.
If you know someone who is graduating this year, be sure to congratulate them for their efforts, especially since their special day is not exactly how they imagined it would be.
Graduates, don’t forget to recognize those people in your life who have helped you make it to this important landmark—parents, grandparents, teachers, and counselors. These are the people who have brought you this far and have made you who you are today, so remember them in a thoughtful way as you embark on this new journey.
From those of us in Union County, Congratulations, Class of 2020!
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