Commissioner Jessee addresses UCBPA meeting

Commissioner Sidney Jessee, Jr. speaking to UCBPA

Commissioner Sidney Jessee, Jr. speaking to UCBPA

Commissioner Sidney Jessee, Jr., who is chairman of the Union County Jail Committee, spoke to Union County Business & Professional Association at its January meeting on the locations for the new jail and the pros and cons of each location. Locating the jail on the existing middle school football field would possibly cost less.
But citizens have voiced that commission should not take away the field, especially before the new middle school field is available. Also, using the football field would still require prisoners to be transported to the courtroom for trial.
The other site would connect to the current courthouse but would most likely be more expensive due to the purchase of land, closure of a street owned by the city of Maynardville, the demolition of four commercial buildings, as well as the Historic Carr House.
However, this location would connect to the courthouse and be connected by a corridor with no need to transport prisoners. The committee is awaiting the needs assessment which will determine the size and possibly impact of the location.
The next member meeting is at First Bank's conference room on February 13, with Mayor Jason Bailey speaking on active grants and projects.
The UCBPA Prayer Breakfast is planned for March 29, Good Friday. The tickets are $20 and include a full hot breakfast with drink. Watch for updates in the Historic Union County Events and on the UCBPA Facebook page.
The following sponsorships are available and include tickets: Silver - $50, Gold - $100, Platinum - $250.
Tickets may be reserved by emailing
